Wednesday, December 24, 2008

If at first you don't succeed...

...or third time's a charm.

Regular readers will know I've spent a fair bit of time searching for a number of things over the last couple of weeks. There was one more thing I needed, and I'm happy to say this time I found it!

One of the things that signifies Christmas for Rod is Mince pies. We're probably lucky that as a family we don't need snow, or chestnuts roasting on an open fire, to make it feel like Christmas. Because judging by how much effort went into finding the mince pies, I'm glad I didn't have to source snow in New Delhi.

Rod loves mince pies. For the benefit of those who are unaware of the constituents of this traditional Christmas fare (I remember Kate's mum, Kathy, said they "weren't big in America"), mince pies don't contain minced meat any more. Instead the filling is a combination of raisins, apple, candied fruits, suet and, in the better mixes, alcohol. I can’t abide mince pies, because of that list, I only like apples... and alcohol. So I tried all the usual expat shops, as they were my best bet. None of the shops had boxes of mince pies on sale. So I decided I'd make some. I thought I'd buy a jar of mincemeat and make my own pastry. The internet has lots of recipes. I need lard for the pastry. Obviously pigfat is really easy to find in India (not!) so I search on lard substitutes. A vegan chat site tells me I should use Crisco. Chances of finding Crisco in New Delhi, only slightly better than that of finding lard, but another website tells me I can substitute the lard with butter, but the pastry won't be as light. Thought that counts, I think, so I'm happy with the pastry plans. So on my next expedition to all the expat shops I try to find a jar of mincemeat. Americans, do not be embarrassed you were unaware of the constituents of mincemeat. The look on the face of the assistant in Le Marche tells me you are not alone. Why was I not convinced he understood that mincemeat has no minced meat in it... So I decide I'll have to make my own mincemeat. Back to the net. I find a mincemeat recipe and I just know while I can probably find a substitute for the Bramley apples, suet is going to be tricky. Because if finding pigfat is hard in India, the dense fat which surrounds beef kidneys is going to be a breeze to track down, right?

So I decided I might have to admit defeat. But yesterday, on a tip off from Alison, Rhiannon's Mum (Rhiannon is Keir's best friend at school), I found some. So Rod got an early Christmas present...and I got the chance to put a tick next to one of the things on my list...finally!

Mince pies. There were six, but not by the time I took this photo!


Kate North said...

So you found a place that actually sold pies in the end? Or mincemeat?

You'll be pleased (perhaps) to know that when I left Lorayne's around 8, no one had yet decided to come out of the closet. This is probably good as everyone there was either a parent or a young kid. Lorayne's nephew is 14, so I guess he was the most likely candidate - he did have all the girls (except his sister & Sarah) trying to pull off his trousers at one point, but considering that the oldest of them was Olivia, I think the aim was more embarrassment than anything else...

Happy Christmas

Ferret said...

I actually prefer my mice pie pastry to be made with all butter and a small amount of icing sugar.

Warn us in plenty of time next year and I will see if we can get a jar of mincemeat to you.