Friday, August 29, 2008

Stop the presses - Margarine crisis averted!

It seems Rod has not been overly quiet on the taxing issue of the non-spreadability of butter. One of his work colleagues, Pankaj, presented him with two tubs of margarine yesterday. 500g of Meadow Lea, and 200g of an Indian margarine called "Nutralite Healthier than Butter Table Spread"(note the lack of the clue word, margarine, in the title). The Nutralite isn't exactly margarine as we know it, it's denser and quite hard straight from the fridge, but a couple of minutes on the counter, while the fabulous toaster which toasts the whole slice of bread the same shade of brown every time does its job, and it's good enough, for government work and Rod.

Before you think Rod must be overpaying his employees, if they can afford two tubs of margarine at a time, the Nutralite cost 39 rupees, or 50p. The Meadow Lea was only 145 rupees, so either the Flora I bought the other day has Swarovski crystals imbedded in it and I didn't notice, or I was fleeced. I kinda hope I was fleeced, because knowing my luck, Keir would swallow the crystals! Better still, I know where Pankaj bought the Meadow Lea, so I can go back and purchase some more (once we've used up the three tubs in the fridge, of course). It's the Steak House at Joh Bagh Market, obviously...


Kate North said...

Because of course, that's where you'd look for margarine...

Kate North said...

oh and ps - sorry, forgot to post rod's magazine last week - will do it this week, promise!