Friday, April 17, 2009

Good News Day

Good News 1: We met our new maid today. Her name is Santoss (I'd say forgive me, the spelling's probably wrong, but she doesn't speak any English so she isn't going to be able to read it) and she starts tomorrow at 11. She works part time for the lady upstairs, Mrs Mehra, so she should be reliable. She looked not a day over 23 but she must be, as she has three children, aged 9, 10 and 12. I'd heard they marry young in the villages...

Good News 2: My bath arrived today. It was supposed to be here two days ago, so I was extremely pleased to see it delivered. A little less pleased when I found out I had to wait for someone to come and assemble it tomorrow afternoon. Imagine getting an IKEA delivery where there weren't any instructions, not even picture ones with no words. That is my bath with frame, with a small collection of assorted bolts and stuff. We don't know if we have all the right bits, let alone where they go. We've left it standing outside the kitchen, which is ultimately not where I want my bath to be.

But the bath is here, and the maid starts tomorrow, and the RO machine works and we have unlimited drinking water. Life's good!


Kate North said...

funny how one's standards change...

Sharon said...

Amazing how the simple thing of drinking water, which we take for granted, becomes all important. I keep saying we overload our lives with "stuff"....Do you have room for your machine in this new place?

Lana said...

Hi Sharon,

This place only has three bedrooms, so my machine has been set up in the main living room. Luckily this room is 24 ft by 13ft, because it has Rod's desk as well as our sofas and TV in it.