Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

My baby's nine! It's hard to believe. When I asked him how he got to be nine, he looked thoughtful, and replied "I've been alive for nine years". So there goes it, the philosophical musings of Keir! Being born on Christmas Eve, Keir has never been able to have his birthday party with his school friends. So we held that party after school at the beginning of December. 100 helium balloons and 100 regular ones filled the house. The helium ones didn't stay up very long, but we've still got a few straggler regular ones. Very useful for balloon throwball.
Fast forward to Christmas Eve... The request had been for yoghurt cakes, so I got baking. Candles were tricky to source, as they had been last year, but given the choice between relighting ones (we so don't need any help in burning the house down) and these ones, well, these ones won!
We got all crafty after that, with a couple of Christmas ornament making kits. Thalia and I made planets...

and Claire made shooting stars.

We won't say what Aaron made!

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