Friday, May 15, 2009

If you want to know if your bum looks big in this...

don't ask Keir. He'll tell you the truth, without even a little bit of tact to protect your feelings. He attended a school friend, Daniel's, birthday party last weekend. He came home, bouncing about and covered in paint (it was a swimming/pottery and T-shirt painting party). I asked him did he have fun? His answer:

Oh yeah -there was pizza. Did I have any pizza, Mum? Of course I did. We all did, except Arjun. He doesn't want to get fat. Vijay had five pieces, he's fat already.

As an adult you cringe, but he's not wrong...

*some of the names have been changed. Keir might not have any tact, but I have a little...


Ferret said...

Frankly if I ask does my bum look big I am either after, "Yes that bustle is great" or "Yes try something else.". You know where you are with people with no tact, and they may well stop you making a fool of yourself. Of course when he meets someone who doesn't expect it...

Lana said...

Of course when he meets someone who doesn't expect it...

He's 8 - we'll cross that bridge later. Possibly not too much later, as he proposed to one of Thalia's friends on Friday.

Ferret said...

Hmm, might want to cover the proposal problem sooner rather than later then. Things could get interesting.

Lana said...

Not to worry. Judy left the country and flew back to Ireland yesterday. The trip was planned before Keir proposed...I think