Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We're using the new i Google as a home page on our computer, where we can have lots of little useful applications at a glance before we go off to find the webpage of our desires- news headlines; a four day weather forecast in London, Perth and Delhi; the current time in Delhi, London and Ohio (don't ask me why Ohio, Rod set this up, I don't think we know anyone in Ohio...); a currency converter - lots of useful things.

Well the four day forecast for Delhi is really bothering me today. It's not just that it says the maximum will be 43, and the minimum will be 33 (109 and 91 in farenheit, respectively). That's wrong, obviously. 33 as a minimum temperature is just wrong. What's really, really bothering me is that the current weather conditions are described as smoke. I didn't know smoke was a weather condition. I thought it was a question, as in Smoke? - no thank you, it's a filthy habit or a local news item: building went up in smoke, or just a really good way to serve salmon.

1 comment:

Ferret said...

I really hope it isn't a premonition. Just take care OK?