Friday, November 27, 2009

Call in CSI, I need to dust for prints...

Isn't technology marvellous? Back in March, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi started tracking the attendance records of it's 127, 094 employees biometrically. When they turned up for work, they had to sign in with their biometric cards or give a thumbprint impression. What's remarkable is that in the last eight months, 22,853 of these employees failed to turn up for work once. Do you think it's possible these 23, 000 employees, who have paper records only, never really existed? The paper says, and I quote "there seems to be a scam as the MCD is spending 20 million rupees (more than a quarter of a million pounds) every year on the salaries of ghost employees". I'm not sure the phrase "seems to be " really sums up the situation fully...

The Mayor of Delhi has declared the introduction of the biometric cards a grand success. Not only has he found he employs 23,000 people fewer than he thought he did, those who do actually exist have become so much better at timekeeping. They are more punctual than they've ever been. Not only can they turn up in time now, they don't seem to need to work overtime either...

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Be careful, Lana, you are turning into a cynic, especially when it comes to government employees! I wonder what would happen if the US government agencies tracked people the way India now is doing. I shudder to think.

I'm off to England in 10 days to spend Christmas with Kate and family. We will miss the Christmas Eve birthday party you always hosted.